Bold flowers

In this course, you will not only learn how to paint in a free and expressive way but we will also look into some important aspects that can be used for any type of painting, like combining colors, creating bridges, how to balance the values, and much more. 

Hello my creative friends!

I am Yvonne Morell, a mixed media artist from Switzerland. I love flowers and created an easy process of painting big bouquets. In this class, I also wanted to include information that will improve your paintings overall like: How to create a harmonious color palette, how to deal with focal points, how to use naturals and saturated colors and much more. I can't wait to share all this with you! Lots of love and happy painting Yvonne

The full course description

Valuable insights for any type of painting

Has anyone ever told you how to..

  • Creating harmonious color combinations

  • What are natural and saturated colors

  • The use of values

  • How to create a focal point

  • Guiding the viewer inside your painting

  • Simplifying shapes to leave realism behind

  • Color bridges

4 abstract botanicals -

Bold flower painting

Second project

Here we dive into an INTERPRETATION of your garden or the flowers you love. In a simple process, we look at how to plan and build up a big painting. It will NOT be drawing the whole bouquet and coloring in. We will build a color ambiance and work from abstract into more and more figurative. Working in layers, using different sizes and shapes, and applying everything that we have learned previously. This class is for any level!
Acrylic painting class with Yvonne Morell

Flower pots and texture

Bonus lesson

Collage, rost, make fantastic pots for our paintings!

Learn how to create expressive flower bouquets.

Material for the class:

Paper for practicing

 4 sheets of paper (at least A4) watercolor or mixed media quality ( a bit thicker than normal paper to do proper paintings

Acrylic paint


1 canvas (any size but at least 20 x 20 inches) I would recommend working big

Oil pastels (the class can be done without them)

My favorite oil pastels; Caran d'Ache  / Sennelier (I am using Caran d'Ache on the video)

Bonus tip: Patina and rost flower pot

(optional) watch videos first before ordering materials

First, you need a base: Metal, copper, silver

Mine, I need to apply and let it dry.

(Every brand has slightly different instructions, please read them)

Second: you will apply an oxidant (that provokes a chemical reaction)

Depending on the product you will get a rost, blue, or green finish


Primer /base

Silver metallic surface solution (for patina)


Patina blue finish

Patina green finish


Set with primer and oxidant included